Wireless laser mouse with a magnifier function


NEW YORK, USA (AVING) -- DWCOM(www.dwcom.co.kr) has announced it plans to release its new wireless laser mouse with a magnifier function in October 25th.

It employs MS’s high-speed laser technology and 4-direction tilt wheel while its ergonomic design provides a comfortable experience.

If you click a certain part of the screen, ‘Wireless laser mouse 6000’ enables you to see the enlarged part with a magnifier function. So, it seems useful for those who have weak eyesight or work with graphic images.

It is available for 61,000(KRW-VAT is not included)
If you need more information, visit the website www.dwcom.co.kr or contact 82-2-702-5133 or 82-2-719-8529.

Source Aving.net

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