Zboard, an alterable keyboard for a particular game


NEW YORK, USA (AVING) -- RODEM C&C (www.rodemcni.com) has announced that it plans to release a new alterable keyboard ‘Zboard’ manufactured by Ideazon Canada with which you can enjoy variable games by simply replacing key sets.

Zboard is particularly designed to accommodate special key sets for pc games and applications. This model comprises a ‘base’ for connecting to a pc, ‘gaming key set’ for shooting or action games, and ‘standard key set’ for general word processing.

While Zboard has various keyboards for different game, the company announced that it plans to release a keyboard designed for ‘WOW’ key set.

If you need more information, visit the website www.rodemcni.com or contact 82-2-2226-9531.

Source Aving.net

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