Magical surgery for your Discs


LAS VEGAS, USA (AVING Special Report on '2006 CES') --

Esprit development corporation has presented its new product 'Wipe Out' at CES 2006. It is not just a cleaner, but a resurfacing compound that removes scratches and eliminates skipping on all laser-discs such as CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and Game discs. According to the company, it basically means that you can fix the damaged CDs and secure your precious discs with critical information or private information by wiping out discs in a second.

There are two kinds: normal and ultra one. It costs 9.99(USD) for normal and 14.99(USD) for ultra one which is not that expensive compared to the value of your information.

AVING Special Report Team for 2006 International CES: Editor & Publisher, Brain Park, Joshua Shim, Rose Kim, Yoojin Kim / IKKim, Alliyah Seo correspondents of AVING to CES / edited by Daniel Sirh


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